How I organise myself and @boundinabook…
I have an order form (that has had multiple tweaks over the years) and it is me who completes this form, not you… The form contains my notes about what your book will require; my way of keeping track of things in a way that makes sense to me; something to be able to refer to quickly instead of trawling through long whatsapp chats and emails (though I sometimes do a fair bit of that too - I’m often quite chatty with clients!)
Keeping things simple works for me; writing things down physically works for me. The two together = 👌🏼
Alongside it, I have a chart which I use to prioritise books correctly according to date to ensure they are in hand when they need to be.
When planning a book, I will ask you whether you have a specific date in mind by which you need it in hand. I will then work out and provide you with a deadline by which to provide me with all the material you would like to use in your book.
PS… this is why respecting deadlines agreed upon is important! One deadline delayed would create a knock-on effect, so to avoid that, I may have no option but to push your book to the back of the queue if your deadline to provide me with material has been missed 😱
This rarely happens though so I am very grateful to the many of you who do respect our agreed-upon deadlines and help to keep things moving smoothly! I create memory books in my free time so it can be a bit of a juggle some weeks! 💃🏻💃🏻